Posible reemplazo del HTPB por polieter glicol en la fabricación de propulsantes compuestos

Los propulsantes compuestos base perclorato de amonio (PA) se procesan normalmente por moldeado combinando el oxidante (PA), un ligante plástico, normalmente HTPB, aluminio, agentes de curado, y algunos otros aditivos. En el trabajo de la referencia se ofrece la alternativa de cambiar el ligante por polieterglicol (PEG) y se analizan los costos en pequeña escala en China, donde puede verse que desde el punto de vista de los costos es conveniente el cambio de ligante, mientras que el impulso específico, la densidad y las propiedades mecánicas son similares.

Ammonium perchlorate composite propellant (APCP) is a modern solid rocket propellant used in rocket vehicles. It differs from many traditional solid rocket propellants by the nature of how it is processed. APCP is cast into shape, as opposed to powder pressing it with black powder. This provides manufacturing regularity and repeatability, which are necessary requirements for use in the aerospace industry.

For traditional APCP, ingredients normally used are ammonium peroxide, aluminum, Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene(HTPB), curing agency and other additives, the greatest disadvantage is that the fuel is too expensive. According to the price we collected in our country, a single kilogram of this fuel will cost 200 Yuan, which is about 35 dollars, for a fan who may use tons of the fuel in a single year, it definitely is a great deal of money. For this reason, we invented a new kind of APCP fuel. Changing adhesive agency from cross-linked htpb to cross linked polyether glycol gives a similar specific thrust, density and mechanical property while costs a lower price.

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Fuente: http://aip.scitation.org