Boston Dynamics realiza un asombroso avance en su Robot Humanoide 

Boston Dinamics ha desarrollado un  Robot Humanoide de dos patas, el cual ha logrado realizar un salto mortal hacia atrás, obteniendo una asombrosa estabilidad. Ha podido caminar por las laderas nevadas, atravesar caminos rocosos y asegurarse que si se cae lo hace de manera controlada. Esto tendrá una gran cantidad de aplicaciones en el futuro de los robots, tales como en actividades de rescate o en el ámbito militar.   

Tesla's new semi may pack impressive battery technology.Could some of our misgivings about Elon Musk’s new electric truck be alleviated by secret energy storage advances? Perhaps, if a new report is to believed.

One of the chief concerns with Tesla’s electric truck is the resilience of its batteries: most lithium-ion cells for vehicles begin to degrade after 1,000 charges, which would only allow the semi to cover 500,000 miles on a set. Problem is, as we’ve explained, the truck’s batteries may be so expensive—costing as much as $400,000—that its fuel savings would only allow it to break even against a diesel if it could cover 1 million miles in a lifetime. Without some kind of advance, then, it’s going to be a very hard sell.

When Musk unveiled the truck, he said that it would be good for 1 million miles, but nobody thought that applied to its batteries. Now, Axios cites sources who claim the cells will undergo 2,000 charges, which would indeed allow its cells to help it cover that 1 million miles.

How it will do that, exactly, is another question—to which the Axios report doesn’t have many firm  answers. Electric truck rival Nikola Motor Company has suggested on Twitter that the semi may use batteries like those in Tesla’s grid storage batteries, rather than those found in its cars, as they’re more  robust. Or there may be some more fundamental battery tweak that allows them to last longer. Hard to tell.

But given how hard battery science is (see “Why We Still Don’t Have Better Batteries”), color us skeptical until we get some hard numbers from Musk.
