Integración de vehículos autónomos a unidades terrestres

El US Army ha presentado su plan para ensayar a partir del 2020, la factibilidad de empleo de sus vehículos blindados autónomos en las unidades mecanizadas. Se ensayaran 4 tipos de vehículos con diferentes niveles de autonomía, entre los que se pueden destacar el M113 o el Bradley, equipado con torretas autónomas para su arma de 25mm, sofisticados sistemas sensores  y cámaras de 360º. Será ésta la oportunidad para demostrar si la “robotización” es factible y conveniente en estos elementos de las unidades terrestres.

Bradley Robotic 16 July 2019WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army has announced plans to test robotic combat vehicles starting in March 2020 at Fort Carson, Colo. Slash Gear reports. Continue reading original article

The Military & Aerospace Electronics take:

16 July 2019 — During that time, soldiers will help test modified Bradley Fighting Vehicles called Mission Enabler Technologies-Demonstrators (MET-Ds). The test will influence future Army autonomous vehicle testing and development.

The upgraded armored personnel carriers feature cameras that provide operators with 360-degree awareness, a remote turret for the vehicle’s 25-millimeter main gun, and enhanced crew stations equipped with touch screens. The March testing will involve a pair of MET-Ds alongside four robotic combat vehicles.

The vehicles are experimental prototypes that never may make their way into the field. Rather, feedback from the soldiers, drivers, and gunners who will participate in the test will be used by the Army Futures Command to improve its autonomous vehicles ahead of other future tests.
