Programa nacional de capacitación del sistema de gestión de incidentes (NIMS)

Dentro de las funciones y responsabilidades de FEMA (Agencia Federal para la Gestión de Emergencia) de los EEUU, se encuentra el Programa de Capacitación NIMS. El Sistema Nacional de Manejo de Incidentes (NIMS) es un modelo de organización que permite a los gobiernos, las instituciones públicas y privadas, organizaciones y agencias hacer frente a los efectos negativos de los incidentes, independientemente de su tamaño, complejidad, ubicación o causa. Con la presentación de un modelo para el manejo de incidentes, el sistema permite a los individuos entrenados en NIMS, se reúnan bajo directrices comunes. Permite a las personas de diferentes orígenes, jurisdicciones y especialidades trabajar juntos de una manera organizada.

Each day across the nation, communities experience incidents and disasters that require an effective response from local agencies working across jurisdictions and using similar processes and systems. FEMA’s National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides principles, structures, and processes that link the nation’s responders together, enabling them to meet challenges that are beyond the capacity of any single jurisdiction or organization.

The effectiveness of NIMS hinges on how well incident personnel at all levels understand their roles and responsibilities. Training is critical to building a common understanding and ensuring that responders apply NIMS concepts across state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions and partners.

NIMS training is one piece of a comprehensive incident management program involving a continuous cycle of planning, organizing, equipping, exercising, evaluating, and taking corrective actions.

In 2017, FEMA revised NIMS to incorporate lessons learned, best practices, and changes in national policy, including updates to the National Preparedness System.1 This NIMS Training Program incorporates the revised NIMS content and clarifies recommended training for incident personnel. This training program supersedes all prior versions of NIMS training and the Five-Year NIMS Training Plan.
