China, túnel de viento para ensayo de sistemas hipersónicos

EUA, China y Rusia hace años llevan adelante varios programas relacionados con el desarrollo de Armas Hipersónicas, o sea todas aquellas que pueden volar a velocidades superiores a MACH 5. Para el ensayo y validación de prototipos, resultan fundamentales los túneles de viento, que permiten recrear las condiciones de vuelo a velocidades extremas. La Academia Nacional de Ciencias de China, ha anunciado que finalizó la construcción de un túnel de viento, con capacidad de realizar simulaciones hasta MACH 30. De confirmarse esto, constituiria el “más poderoso” de los túneles de viento hoy disponibles en el mundo.

Like the United States and Russia, China has a keen interest in hypersonic weapons. In order to submit its prototypes to the aerodynamic conditions of hypersonic flight, researchers rely on wind tunnels.

Since 2012, China already operates the JF-12, which offers conditions similar to Mach 5-9 range speed. But to achieve greater speeds, the Chinese Academy of Sciences began the construction of an even more powerful facility in 2018.

Named the JF-22, the wind tunnel located in the Huairou District in northern Beijing would be able to simulate flights of up to 10 kilometers per second or 30 times the speed of sound, making it the fastest in the world. To recreate such flight conditions, the JF-22 would produce 15 gigawatts or 70% of the power generated by the Three Gorges Dam.

Unlike most other existing facilities which use mechanical compressors to generate high-speed airflow, the 265-meter-long wind tunnel relies on chemical explosions. It will offer an operating time of 130 milliseconds per test, over 4 times longer than the US equivalent LENS II.

Being in possession of the two facilities will put China “about 20 to 30 years ahead” of its competitors, Chinese Academy of Sciences researcher Han Guilai claimed in an online lecture quoted by the South China Morning Post.

The Chinese military already fielded several hypersonic weapons, such as the DF-17 and DF-21 ballistic missiles. Russia with the Zircon and Kinzhal missiles has also been at the vanguard of hypersonic weapon development.
