Uso de drones para colectar información «que salva vidas» en la gestión de emergencias

Así como en el ámbito militar, el empleo de drones se ha generalizado en las diferentes áreas, motivando desarrollos innovadores y aplicaciones diversas en sistemas de armas, sanidad, C3I y logística, entre otras, también producen un destacado impacto por las enormes posibilidades de aplicación, en la gestión eficiente de los recursos para hacer frente a Emergencias y Catástrofes naturales. Grupos de búsqueda y rescate, departamentos de bomberos y policía los están empleando masivamente, con excelentes resultados. Esto ha motivado que en los países más avanzados, los organismos responsables consideren seriamente el Costo/efecto, del empleo orgánico de los drones, como herramientas indispensables para la gestión de emergencias.

Using Drones to Collect Life-Saving Information in Emergency ManagementTechnological innovations bring with them numerous applications to a variety of fields. The military has developed innovative techniques and equipment due to technological advances, as have the fields of medicine, computer technology and construction. These advances have a tremendous impact on society and change how industries handle many processes.

These technological innovations include drones, which have become increasingly popular in emergency management. Search and rescue groups, fire departments and police departments across the country have used drones in various ways.

Drones Are Popular for Their Information-Gathering Capabilities

Emergency management has especially benefited from the use of drones. Drones at an emergency scene can transmit information to people in leadership positions, allowing them to make important decisions without risking the lives of first responders.

For example, the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) recently used drones to collect information during a major fire in March 2017. Similarly, the Fire Department of New York also used drones to manage a major fire in April 2017. The April fire was especially significant, because it required 200 firefighters to combat the blaze.

Emergency Management Agencies Should Consider Drone Costs and Capabilities

Just like other technological equipment, drones vary in price and capabilities. Emergency management agencies must first determine what type of drone would help them the most in different emergency situations, so that they can make the most out of their drone purchase.

Drones Are the Vital Future of Emergency Management

While drones are clearly needed in emergency management, first responder budgets don’t always allocate money to buy them. It is important for local and state politicians to contemplate ways to include drones in their emergency management budgets. Drones not only have numerous applications in emergency management, but they also have the all-important potential to save lives.
