Empleo de los sensores en el espacio en apoyo de la artillería terrestre

La artillería del US Army avanza en el empleo de los sistemas sensores disponibles en el espacio, para asistir a las armas de apoyo de fuego, incrementando sus capacidades, especialmente precisión y letalidad, en la ejecución de Fuegos Precisos de Largo Alcance (LRPA), una de las prioridades de modernización establecidas por esa fuerza.

WASHINGTON — The Army is on a path to use space sensors to help its artillery see and shoot well beyond current capability.

The service has already wrapped up an effort to achieve this capability, which took place in Europe in February and March, Gen. Mike Murray, Army Futures Command commander, told reporters in a media call. Murray was discussing how Army modernization would proceed despite COVID-19 social isolation measures in April.

The Army will continue to build upon these early successes tapping into space assets to help guns on the ground hit long-range targets, an Army spokesperson told Defense News in a written statement.

Conducted through Futures Command’s cross functional team in charge of Assured Position, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT), the service was able to link space sensors with shooters in live-fire demonstrations in Grafenwoehr, Germany, on three separate occasions with the latest on March 23, the spokesperson wrote.

Over the course of the demonstrations, the team “successfully sensed and hit targets at ranges beyond line of sight using satellite capabilities that have not been accessible to ground forces until now,” the spokesperson said. The exercise showed the “Army’s ability to engage and defeat time sensitive targets with timely and accurate fires anywhere on the battlefield.”

Tapping sensors that can help guide missiles and munitions to targets deep into the battlefield is critical to the Army’s future long-range precision fires capability and key to operating across multiple domains. But achieving such distances requires connecting sensors and shooters that have never worked together before.

Long-Range Precision Fires (LRPF) is the Army’s top modernization priority as it plays a critical role in the future battlefield and will be a centerpiece in the service’s future Multi-Domain Operations doctrine currently in development.

The LRPT cross functional team will continue to push the capabilities to far greater ranges than previously capable or than those distances previously allowed prior to the United States’ withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in 2019.

Fuente: https://www.c4isrnet.com