Equipo de Rx portátil para el Ejército

Las fuerzas de desactivación de bombas del Ejército se ocupan principalmente de cargas en las carreteras y trampas explosivas situadas en entornos hostiles. La capacidad de llevar un sistema de rayos X en una mochila y brindar apoyo a las fuerzas que realizan una búsqueda ofrece una ventaja significativa que contribuye a la confianza y supervivencia de las fuerzas militares. Hasta hace poco, la amenaza de una bomba en una calle concurrida o un coche bomba era la principal preocupación, pero hoy las células terroristas llevan a cabo ataques combinados que involucran múltiples ubicaciones, utilizando varios métodos. En la víspera de Milipol de 2015, un grupo de terroristas ejecutó simultáneamente varios ataques en todo París, lo que obligó al escuadrón de bombas a responder de inmediato a múltiples llamadas a la vez. Como resultado, se ha requerido a las fuerzas de seguridad que cambien su modelo operativo, se vuelvan más móviles y más rápidas para frustrar tales amenazas.

In the past, the ability to pull out an entire portable X-Ray system from a small bag was considered a fantasy, but today due to developments in technology this dream has finally become a reality. A few years ago a standard portable X-Ray system weighed over 40kg, today the lightest Vidisco’s system weighs less than 6kg without compromising on the system’s penetration capability and resolution. These latest technology developments along with the changes in terror doctrine have created a new need for light and compact portable X-Ray systems.

Until recently, the threat of one bomb in a crowded street or a car bomb was the main concern, but today terror cells carry out combined attacks involving multiple locations, while using several methods. On Milipol eve 2015, a group of terrorists simultaneously executed several attacks throughout Paris forcing the bomb squad to respond immediately to multiple calls at once. As a result, security forces have been required to change their operational model, become more mobile and faster to foil such threats.

This new reality changed the bomb technician requirement of the portable X-Ray system. Innovative technologies have allowed Vidisco to adapt to these new needs by reducing the size and weight of the portable X-Ray systems. In the past, the sensor, referred to as the panel, which is responsible for generating the X-Ray image, required a supporting environment of several devices. Current Vidisco panels are autonomous with strong battery and wireless capability. These new caricatures have affected the entire system by enabling Vidisco to reduce the size of a standard 40kg system and offer new compact 10kg systems packed in a backpack.

The Alpha panel superiority over the FlashX panel is evident in every parameter mentioned. Even though these two panels share the same effective imaging area, the Alpha offers a better working environment for the bomb technician in the field. The panel is not the only means to improve mobility. There are other options, such as a smaller mobile source of radiation and a touchscreen tablet with suitable software to work in harsh environments.

The weight summation of a 2.8kg panel, 1.4kg tablet, 2.2kg X-Ray source and the 0.5kg communication device totals less than 7kg for a large panel system. The weight of a system with the smallest panel can get down to less than 5.7kg. This incredible improvement in size and weight along with the autonomous capabilities of the new systems has resulted in new possibilities and work methods for the bomb technician using Vidisco’s systems.

Fuente: https://vidisco.com