LongShot UAV, jet autónomo que puede ser lanzado desde otra aeronave

La U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), ha contratado a la empresa GENERAL ATOMICS para el desarrollo y evaluación en vuelo, del prototipo de su ambicioso Programa LongShot UAV. Se trata de un sistema aéreo de combate autónomo (UCAS) que tiene la capacidad de operar como un Jet de Combate y que puede lanzar misiles “Aire – Aire”, además de otros misiles y bombas. Lo más destacado del proyecto, es que LongShot puede ser transportado a su vez desde un bombardero o avión de transporte, que se encuentre muy alejado de la zona de operaciones. El objetivo es extender las distancias de empeñamiento de las aeronaves tripuladas, más allá del alcance de los Sistemas de Defensa Aérea enemigos, incrementando así la supervivencia de las tripulaciones.

ARLINGTON, Va. – U.S. military researchers needed a company to build and flight-test a prototype unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) able to fire several of its own air-to-air weapons. They found their solution from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. in Poway, Calif.

Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., announced an $82.6 million contract to General Atomics late last month for the third phase of the LongShot project.

The LongShot aircraft essentially will be an unmanned jet fighter-bomber with missiles attached to hardpoints underneath the wings, on the fuselage, or possibly in internal weapons bays for enhanced stealthiness. The idea is to extend aircraft engagement ranges from beyond the reach of enemy weapons to reduce risks to manned aircraft.

The LongShot attack UAV design will be launched from aircraft, like a missile, but with the ability to deploy several of its own air-to-air weapons.

The LongShot will enable piloted aircraft to fire the UAV from standoff ranges far away from enemy threats. The unmanned LongShot, meanwhile, can fly closer to enemy targets to increase precision, while keeping human pilots out of harm’s way.

General Atomics prevails in the competition to move LongShot to prototype and flight demonstration over competitors Northrop Grumman Corp. in Falls Church, Va.; and Lockheed Martin Corp. in Bethesda, Md.

Military air superiority today relies on advanced manned fighter aircraft to provide a penetrating counter-air capability to deliver weapons effectively, DARPA officials say. The LongShot prototype will be a flyable full-scale air-launched demonstration system capable of controlled flight before, during, and after firing its weapons.

Fuente: https://www.militaryaerospace.com