Restricciones en EUA para la fabricación de componentes de armas de fuego mediante «impresión 3D» por parte de ciudadanos

Continuando con el debate y las acciones legales relacionadas con la producción de componentes de armas empleando fabricación aditiva (3D printing) por parte ciudadanos, el Congreso de EUA ha presentado un proyecto denominado ‘3D Firearms Prohibition Act’ , que prohíbe la venta, compra y distribución de información técnica relacionada con este mercado potencial, de enorme riesgo para la seguridad, que permitiría la difusión indiscriminada de armas de fuego en poder de particulares, sin el debido control estatal.

3d printed LiberatorFollowing the debate and legal actions surrounding 3D Firearms printing this summer a new bill has been introduced to Congress attempting to ban the sale, purchase and distribution of 3D printed firearms partsand to require homemade firearms to have serial numbers.

Back in August a ruling from the Justice Department clarified and essential ‘legalised 3D gun printingfollowing a campaign against censorship of information led by Defense Distributed and the Second Amendment Foundation. This ruling quickly led to backlash and state and federal moves by representatives and federal judges to block the proliferation of 3D printed gun plans. Since then Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed’s founder, has been arrested and charged for having sex with an underage girl in Texas.

New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone, has now introduced fresh legislation to the House of Representatives. H.R. 7115, known as the ‘3D Firearms Prohibition Act’ was introduced in early November and is waiting to move to the committee stage with the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on the Judiciary.

Congressman Pallone’s bill, the ‘3D Firearms Prohibition Act’, seeks to:

prohibit the sale, acquisition, distribution in commerce, or import into the United States of certain firearm receiver castings or blanks, assault weapon parts kits, and machinegun parts kits and the marketing or advertising of such castings or blanks and kits on any medium of electronic communications, to require homemade firearms to have serial numbers, and for other purposes.

The bill also seeks to make changes in the language of current federal firearms regulations to ensure that even non-3D printed homemade firearms “have a permanent unique serial number from a licensed dealer” and are reported to the ATF. The bill would also introduce the requirement of a background check for those looking to make firearms at home.

In a press release announcing the launch of the Bill back in November, Pallone said:

Given the gun violence epidemic plaguing our communities, the last thing our country needs is an unregulated and untraceable source of lethal firearms. We need sensible solutions to reduce gun violence, not AR-15s available at the stroke of a fingertip.

The ‘3D Firearms Prohibition Act’ has not yet been co-sponsored by other representatives.
