Proyecto THOR-ER, Noruega y USA

Estados Unidos y Noruega continúan el trabajo de investigación en tecnologías de combustible sólido, con el objetivo de desarrollar prototipos de motores Ramjet de altas velocidades y largo alcance. THOR-ER se basa en la investigación de Noruega sobre tecnología de misiles y cohetes, que involucra a la empresa Nammo AS especialista en defensa y propulsión.

The USA and Norway will continue research work into solid fuel ramjet technologies, with an eye to developing affordable full-sized prototypes with high-speeds and long ranges.

The Tactical High-speed Offensive Ramjet for Extended Range (THOR-ER) is an Allied Prototyping Initiative (API) under the USA’s Directorate for Advanced Capabilities.

“This continuation is an important next step in advancing high-speed propulsion technologies with our Norwegian partners,” says Michael Griffin, Under Secretary for Research and Engineering.

“It will drive fielding of the critical technologies needed to ensure U.S. and Allied military superiority in hypersonic systems.”

THOR-ER draws on Norway’s long-term research into missile and rocket technology. On the Norwegian side, the project involves defence and propulsion specialist Nammo.

“Nammo’s new propulsion solutions are closing the range gap between the US and its future potential adversaries,” says Nammo chief executive Morten Brandtzæg.

“Our involvement in THOR-ER allows us to bring together the best of US and Norwegian propulsion technology through the framework of a bilateral US-Norwegian partnership, and this fits perfectly with our long term ambitions.”
